Bleh... This day has been really not productive. I have the most horrendous cold. I am horribly stuffed up. It started last night and I completely missed class today and had to call in sick to work. errr whine, whine, whine...
Other than that...
I am trying to get the choreography contest for Student Dance Alliance up and running. But I cannot seem to get the forms someone made which is the whole point of making a website. No forms=no point for a website. I really wanted to get the site published last night. *sigh* I have another exciting new web project in the works also....but I'll let you know about that in a few days. =D
I have alot of work to do in the next few weeks before spring break. I am really looking forward to that time off. Maybe I'll actually be able to clean weird parts of my house. Like the wood floors.. My anal retentive behavior is seriously clashing with the anal expulsive behavior of one of my roommates. I just freak out, not good for the mental health. Or homework for that matter. I try to read or study and have to run off and wash dishes before I can focus.
Last but not least...
I LOVE 24 hour fitness. If you go around 9pm all the classes that use the studio are finished. The wood floor and mirrors make it great for practicing all the tricky turns and leaps that Byron has been doling out. Next I'm going to bring my pointe shoes and really freak some people out. You get more weird looks dancing and doing the splits in a gym than if you're doing that stupid yoga stuff or lifting 500 lbs of metal. Yes, you guessed it, I despise yoga! My aerobics teacher taught a yoga class on Monday and I wanted to scream the whole time. There is no attack, no sharp, vigorous movement. The poses are retarded and counter intuitive. The stretches might be good for a non-dancer, but I had to seriously modify them to feel anything at all.
And so I leave you with my friend....
Yoga Barbie.