Thursday, December 25, 2008


Today was/is Christmas. To state the obvious.

It was ok. Salinas is boring. I sortof like being home, because its laid back. But at the same time it's boring. Excitingly, I got a new laptop...a tiny one. And my brothers got me a George Foreman grill. Which is more exciting than you might think. And Chris got me the book "Song Writing for Dummies", something I requested, in light of my renewed interest in writing music.

Patrick and I are watching The Office. My parents won't shut up. It's very annoying watching TV in this house, because everyone feels the need to talk over the TV. Very annoying.

Yes mom, I know you read this.

Anyways, I am really liking this dog running around my parents house. Her name is Cali and she is quite cute, and fairly calm considering she has to put up with Michael. And now my dad dumped Michael's new tools all over. Awesome.

I want to go see a bunch of movies that just came out. Valkyrie (randomest movie ever to release on Christmas day), Bolt (ok, so I got over my animated talking movies thing within the last few weeks), Bedtime Stories, and something else I can't remember right now.

Ok, parents don't understand The Office. I miss Comcast.

Ramble, ramble, ramble.

1 comment:

Helenrr said...

and you knew I would comment....
Sorry about talking over the TV, bad habit I suppose-we call it interactive watching, its pretty much something that has been going on a long time. As far as the Office, I suppose I would have to watch the show from the beginning, and not be so tired. Maybe it would be interesting...or not. (I am sure I would 'get it'...) The one that was stupid was the other put 3's company to shame.
Sorry about being boring...the dancing elves couldn't make it :P
Love M.O.M.