Thursday, January 14, 2010

On Writing

One of the many things I want to do this year is to write a book. Probably not a story, I don't even know where to start and where to go with stories. I'm thinking something ala David Sedaris...sortof situational and rambly. It's so hard to just start though. Well, its hard to start doing anything. For me anyways. I have ideas, execution fails a lot though. But writing is fun, enjoyable, takes no capital....but fleshing stuff out is a pain, story arcs suck, and its all self motivation. There is nothing and no one to carry you except yourself. Oddly, I find I am too lazy to write sometimes. It's like "oooh I could write lines and lines of detailed observations on cupcakes", but when you get right down to it you just feel like writing "Meh. Cupcakes are nice." How lame is that? It's not like it takes actual effort to write.... Well it does, like brain efforts and time. But it's definitely easier than weight lifting. However googling "Platypi on skateboards" is also easier than writing. This is why I took up's an acceptable media for random short writings. (Btw, "googling" is not an acceptable word according to spell check.) (Maybe a chapter of my book will focus on unacceptable spell check words.) But even at blogging I fail. Because there is a sortof time requirement that it be consistant. Really the overall product of writing would be much more impressive for me if I wrote it all and published it at once, ala, a book. Because no one would notice the time gaps. Until, of course, I get a publisher. And then I'm screwed.

In other news...

I have decided to become independently wealthy. Not sure what the game plan is yet, I'll keep you updated.

Changing the turn signal assembly on your car is disappointingly easy. The only way to make it easier is to make a neighborhood kid do it for a popsicle. Trust me, it's not worth paying him more.

Cirque du Soleil is ZOMG FUCKING AMAZING!!!!! Please go. The artistry, creativity, strength, grace, attention to visual and aural details, beauty, performance value has blown EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN out of the water! Call me and I will talk about it forever.

Ben Folds. I want one.

Why does everyone laugh when I say "I was reading Bartender magazine today..."?

Speaking of bar... I am experimenting for my future bar. Next project is infusing liquors... Vodka is obviously a given... I want to try some random stuff.... Basil, ginger, lavender, roses... Rose tequila sounds good. Now would you use rose hips or rose petals? Also, making homemade syrups.... After that, bathtub gin... Haha jk. Oh yeah...wondering how you make coffee liqeur... I think my mom knows this one. Did you know Corzo tequila is the only tequila that uses the process of sparging? It helps the tequila to breathe.

This week is going to be stupid busy. My brother and his girlfriend are going to be visiting, my mom is going to be visiting, I'm getting my hair done, and etc...

Also my friend Ben is reteaching me to drive a manual... Super excited, but its scary....

Also Patrick will excomunicate me if I don't play more L4D with him.


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