Monday, January 14, 2008


One of my favorite tools for at home fitness is the New York City Ballet Workout. It is a useful 1 hour workout that I can easily customize and still leaves time for me to work on some other stuff. It claims that it is equally usable for dancers and non-dancers alike, but I don't buy that. Some ballet experience is a definite plus to using it. I think with time and perseverance anyone might be able to do it. But if you are a non-dancer and don't need to worry about turnout and the like, why bother? You might as well do something that won't take you 3 months to figure out. That being said, I think it is great. The music (there are 2 tracks- contemporary and classical) wear on you after awhile, so I usually mute it and play my own music. My favorite cds to use with it are Panic! at the Disco- "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" and Red Hot Chili Peppers- "Californication". Peter Martins' narration is also a bit creepy, so the muting alleviates that as well. I wish they had an option to listen to narration only without music, even though Martins is creepy it helps to not look at the screen all the time.

Well... The other day I locked myself out of the house while taking the Christmas tree out and while waiting for my landlord met a neighbor in a similar predicament. He was very upset about a locksmith costing $250 so I loaned him the rest of my ballet money so he could take the bart to Pleasanton and get the spare key from his sister. He promised to repay me, but so far I haven't gotten my money back. I do know where he lives, so I might drop a note off tomorrow. So, needless to say I haven't been to ballet for 3 days. Tips come out tomorrow though, so hopefully I'll have enough for 3 classes or so. I have applications to a few restaurants to turn in as well. Hopefully I'll get hired at one of them. Better tips mean more ballet classes.

Ok, I'm working in about half an hour... Need to change into my mocha spattered clothes.

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